B8 Intercalation Compounds for Rechargable Batteries

Lead Organizer: Marca Doeff (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

Co-organizers: Shirley Meng (University of California San Diego) , Christian Masquelier, Ph.D. (LRCS/CNRS/UPJV) , Atsuo Yamada (The University of Tokyo) , Karim Zaghib, PhD (Hydro-Quebec) and Gerardine G. Botte (Ohio University)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Layered Transition Metal Oxides and Composites 1
Imperial A, Tower 2, Ballroom Level
Chair(s): Martin Winter and Yuki Orikasa


Layered Transition Metal Oxides and Composites 2
Imperial A, Tower 2, Ballroom Level
Chair(s): Guoying Chen, PhD and Steven Greenbaum

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Spinels and Olivines
Imperial A, Tower 2, Ballroom Level
Chair(s): Esther S Takeuchi, PhD and Jan L. Allen, Ph. D.


Polyanionic Compounds
Imperial A, Tower 2, Ballroom Level
Chair(s): Shirley Meng and Philip N Ross, PhD


Poster Session
Grand Ballroom, Tower 2, Grand Ballroom Level
Chair(s): M. Doeff and Gerardine G. Botte

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Cathode Materials
Imperial A, Tower 2, Ballroom Level
Chair(s): Atsuo Yamada and Christian Masquelier, Ph.D.


Anode Materials
Imperial A, Tower 2, Ballroom Level
Chair(s): Karim Zaghib and Jeffrey W. Long, PhD

Friday, November 1, 2013


Graphite/Graphene and Techniques
Imperial A, Tower 2, Ballroom Level
Chair(s): Alexandre Ponrouch and Marie-Liesse Doublet, PhD