Design of a Microfluidic Chip System Based on Magnetoelastic Sensors for Blood Coagulation Measurement

Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Expo Center, 1st Floor, Center and Right Foyers (Moon Palace Resort)
X. Chen, J. Yang, N. Hu, H. Y. Luo, X. M. Gao, L. J. Song, and Y. J. Liao (State Key Laboratory of Biorheological Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Bioengineering College, Chongqing University)
Blood coagulation measurement can provide the valuable indicators for diagnosing the hemorrhagic and thrombus disease, observing the curative effect of dissolving thrombus as well as preventing clotting. The novel design of a microfluidic chip system based on the magneto-elastic sensors for blood coagulation measurement is presented in this paper. Firstly, several thick films of iron-based amorphous alloy with the different specifications were selected to compose a magnetoelastic sensor group. Then this sensor group was packaged and bonded in a PDMS microfluidic chip to form a plurality of detection channels that can be used to simultaneously detect the multiple coagulation factors. The whole chip was fixed into a coil through a specific mold. Once the reagent and sample flow path was connected, the magneticelastic detection system could be used to measure multiple parameters including prothrombin time (PT), thromboplastin time (APTT), prothrombin time (TT). The preliminary experimental results have verified the feasibility of the design. The magnetoelastic sensor exhibits the wireless, passive, easily miniaturized and integrated features. These are combined with the microfluidic chip detection technology in this design to realize the multi-channel simultaneous detection of multiple parameters. Therefore, it has great potentials for clinic applications.