(Invited) Use of Fluorescence Imaging and Ionic Liquids in the Study of Carbon, Clay, and Cellulose Based-Nanomaterials

Wednesday, 8 October 2014: 14:00
Expo Center, 1st Floor, Universal 3 (Moon Palace Resort)
J. W. Gilman (NIST)
Some of the most critical issues facing the nanocomposites community include the need for multi-scale imaging of the hierarchical structure, effective methods for controlling nanoparticle surface-energy and chemistry, and new processing methods for preparing novel nanoparticles. Over the last decade we have employed ionic liquids and fluorescence microscopy to address these challenges. This presentation will discuss how the combination of ionic liquid modified materials and new measurement methods work together synergistically. Examples will include: fluorescent microscopy imaging of imidazolium- Nile blue- montmorillonite polymer nanocomposites, carbon nanotube polymer nanocomposites prepared using imidazolium ILs, Főrster resonance energy transfer (FRET) imaging of the interface in cellulose nanofibers composites, IL processing to isolate cellulose nanofibers from biomass, and surface modification of cellulose nanofibers using IL.