Structural and Spectroscopic Studies on Electrolytes Containing Novel Salts Dedicated to Lithium-Ion Batteries

Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Expo Center, 1st Floor, Center and Right Foyers (Moon Palace Resort)
B. Jurkowska, A. Szablowska, P. Jankowski, A. Gajewska, M. Poterala, M. J. Kalita, M. Dranka, G. Z. Zukowska, and J. Zachara (Warsaw Technical University, Faculty of Chemistry)
Lithium anode an Li-ion batteries are chemical power sources of high energy and power density. In other words, such batteries can be light, small and relatively efficient. Therefore, they can be used in several power-demanding devices, like laptops, tablets, smartphones as well as cameras. Despite of this commercial success, the scientific works oriented on development of these power sources are still conducted. The most important problem, which still needs to be solved, is stability of the battery and battery life length. This is related to the stability of the electrolyte-electrode interfaces.

Due to this, the importance of the research on novel salts for batteries' electrolytes grew more and more important. The focus was put on looking for novel lithium salts which dissociate well in aprotic solvents and are electrochemically and thermally stable.

In the present study, spectroscopic and structural properties of the solvates of the lithium salts with fluorine-free heteroaromatic anion are researched. The main impact is put on complexes of the salts with dimethyl ethers of ethylene glycol oligomers (glymes) and organic carbonates.

Correlation between crystal structures, obtained from X-ray diffraction experiments on the single crystals with vibrational spectroscopy data (FTir and Raman) should make the prediction of the cation-anion-solvent molecule interactions in the liquid systems possible.

The discovering and understanding of phenomena related to the organization of such systems in the solid state is crucial for the elaboration of novel electrolytes. Gained knowledge will be helpful in the design of novel compounds with defined properties and in optimization of the working systems.