General Session II

Tuesday, 7 October 2014: 07:40-09:40
Expo Center, 2nd Floor, Delta Room (Moon Palace Resort)
Graham T. Cheek , Alice H Suroviec and R. L. Calhoun
Electrochemical Study of the Chalcopyrite Biooxidation in Presence and Absence of Sulfuro- and Ironoxidizing Microorganisms
M. I. Lopez-Cazares (Instituto de Metalurgia-UASLP DICIM/UASLP), J. V. Garcia-Meza (Instituto de Metalurgia-UASLP), E. R. Larios Duran (Universidad de Guadalajara), and R. Cruz Gaona (Instituto de Metalurgia-UASLP)
Electrochemical Studies of 9,10-Anthraquinone in Adiponitrile
G. T. Cheek (United States Naval Academy)
Understanding the Meat Color Attributes by Direct Electrochemistry of Myoglobin Films on Electrodes
S. Krishnan, R. Nerimetla, C. Walgama, and R. Ramanathan (Oklahoma State University)
Examining the Electrodeposition Mechanism of Manganese Dioxide Using In-Situ Small Angle X-ray Scattering
S. W. Donne, W. M. Dose, and M. F. Dupont (University of Newcastle)