Chemically-Derived Graphene and Boron Nitride Heterostructures for Optoelectronic Applications

Wednesday, 27 May 2015: 14:40
Lake Ontario (Hilton Chicago)
S. Behura, R. Debbarma, P. Nguyen (University of Illinois at Chicago), T. S. Sreeprasad (Rice University), and V. Berry (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Structural isomers, graphene and boron nitride (BN), are logical materials for two-dimensional heterostructures with properties controllable via interfacial, structural, compositional and chemical modifications. These heterostructures can leverage the combination of graphene’s ultrahigh carrier-mobility, ultrafast photodetection, sensitivity, tunable spintronics, strong/tunable optical absorption, carrier controlled interband/optical-transition, and quantum interference, and BN’s large band gap, high optical transmittance, UV-cathodoluminescence, thermochemical stability and thinnest electron tunneling barrier. We report on electrical, capacitive, optoelectronic and structural properties of macro-scale heterostructures of graphene and BN produced via an interfacial drying process. The talk will discuss the evolution of electronic band-structure, optical transitions, dielectric impedance, switching and UV quantum efficiency with change in the composition and structure of the heterostructure. The study of these facile heterostructures will lead to development of optoelectronic design concepts for future 2D flexible electronics.