Manufacturing Cost Analysis for Grid Storage: Lithium-Polysulfide Flow Battery
Manufacturing Cost Analysis for Grid Storage: Lithium-Polysulfide Flow Battery
Tuesday, 26 May 2015: 09:00
Buckingham (Hilton Chicago)
Energy storage systems are increasingly seen as a critical component of the electricity grid to support extensive deployment of intermittent renewable energy such as solar and wind systems. The flow batteries with low cost and high energy density are promising for reaching these challenging energy storage target owing to their power and energy separation characteristics. Lithium-polysulfide (Li-PS) flow batteries are of particular interest due to their high theoretical energy density, and relatively inexpensive raw materials for grid storage applications. Unfortunately, present state-of-the-art technologies are too expensive for broad deployment. One possible pathway to reduced system costs is increasing manufacturing volume and engineering advancements. System cost reductions in manufacturing costs and associated overheads are identified as the single largest cost-savings opportunity for today's battery-based storage options. The simpler assembly process for a flow battery is projected to be a key distinguishing factor compared to enclosed cells. In addition, increasing production volume and market competition will lead to lower material costs. Here in, we examine in detail the manufacturing cost and additional mark-up of Li-PS flow battery by using techno-economic model, and it is compared to enclosed system(Li-ion) and aqueous flow battery(Vanadium redox flow battery). Here we show the consequences on system price breakdown to assess the cost benefits of simple assembly process and mass manufacturing, Figure 1.