(Invited) Surface-Mediated Molecular Assembly of Organic Semiconductors for High-Performance Organic Electronics
(Invited) Surface-Mediated Molecular Assembly of Organic Semiconductors for High-Performance Organic Electronics
Tuesday, 26 May 2015: 14:30
Conference Room 4L (Hilton Chicago)
Microstructure in organic semiconductor thin films has been regarded as the key factor determining the performance of the organic electronics. In case of bottom-contact organic field effect transistors (OFETs) and organic photovoltaics (OPVs), the control of the surface characteristics of the underlying substrates can govern the mesoscale and/or nanoscale ordering of the semiconductor assembled on them. Here, we present various approaches for controlling the growth of organic semiconductors on the gate dielectrics and electrodes to achieve high performance OFETs and OPVs.