Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Exhibit Hall H (San Diego Convention Center)
Elastic parameters, namely Young’s, shear and bulk moduli and Poisson’s ratio, of freeze-cast La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ (LSCF) envisaged as porous substrate for the application of dense LSCF oxygen transport layers were investigated at room temperature by a quasi-static hysteresis compression test. The nonlinear stress-strain behavior of LSCF results in continuously changing elastic parameters. The evolution of these elastic parameters was studied as a function of the longitudinal strain. The elastic parameters showed extrema due to ferroelastic domain switching. Young’s and shear moduli revealed minimum values while bulk modulus and Poisson’s ratio demonstrated maximum values, due to the transverse strain contributed by ferroelastic domain switching. Bulk modulus shows relatively constant values before and after the domain switching process. Young’s modulus shows similar values as in literature and the Young’s modulus from bending tests is close to the lowest values evaluated continuously from nonlinear stress-strain curves. The apparent fractures stress in a compressive mode along the pore direction is much higher than the bending strength of porous LSCF with isotropic pore structure. It appears to benefit from its large, long, oriented pore structure, which not only provides large porosity but also relatively high mechanical stability along the pore direction.