Ambient pressure surface ionization mass spectrometry is used to obtain a chemical analyte for sampling from interfaces without special sample preparation [5]. Desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) is an ambient ionization technique in which charged droplets from an electrosonic spray ionization source are aimed towards a surface with a proximal atmospheric pressure mass spectrometer inlet. In this technique, analyte molecules are collected from flat surfaces followed by ionization using a self-aspirating nanoelectrospray. This technique directly transports and ionizes an analyte that is desorbed from a surface into a liquid and it is called as nanospray DESI (nano-DESI). The nanospray capillary transports the charged liquid to the mass spectrometer inlet directly, eliminating splashing while minimizing analyte transport distance. The target application of the developed microcapillary system is to interface it with a nano-DESI sensor which can be used to characterize in situ, depth-resolved analyses of metabolites and possibly proteins.
The developed nano-DESI sensor is composed of two microcapillaries placed in an outer case made of glass. Figure 1 shows an image of a developed nano-DESI sensor. In this system, the solvent delivery and its collection were made from the same microcapillaries. We managed to operate the sensor between 10 nL/min and 100 mL/min flow rates. After optimization of the flow rates, we tested it in EABs. EABs were grown according to our previously published paper and book [6, 7]. While we had succeeded in developing a nano-DESI sensor, we found unexpected challenges using it with EABs. Finally, the microcapillary system developed for this work enabled us to use it for quantifying electron transfer processes in EABs [7].
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5. Roach, P.J., J. Laskin, and A. Laskin, Nanospray desorption electrospray ionization: an ambient method for liquid-extraction surface sampling in mass spectrometry. Analyst, 2010. 135(9): p. 2233-2236.
6. Lewandowski, Z. and H. Beyenal, Fundamentals of Biofilm Research, Second Edition. 2014: Taylor & Francis.
7. Babauta, J.T. and H. Beyenal, Local Current Variation by Depth in Geobacter Sulfurreducens Biofilms. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2014. 161(13): p. H3070-H3075.