(Invited) Special Sites in Electrocatalysis for Oer and ORR

Tuesday, 31 May 2016: 08:10
Indigo 204 A (Hilton San Diego Bayfront)
J. Rossmeisl (University of Copenhagen, Department of Chemistry)
So far most electrocatalyst has been designed only based on reactivity of the surface. This single parameter is not sufficient to optimize the activity and selectivity. This means that activities and selectivity can only be optimized to a certain point. The activity as function of the surface reactivity is often represented in volcano curves. Electrocatalytic activity and selectivity is ultimately determined by the atomic and electronic structure of the catalyst surface. By controlling the atomic structure of the catalyst surface it is possible provide more parameters besides the reactivity to tune activity and selectivity beyond the normal limits. I will show some examples on atomic scale design of special electrocatalytic sites for oxygen evolution and oxygen reduction for better selectivity and activity.