UPy dimers can exist in two tautomeric forms called pyrimidinol and pyrimidinone. In order to more efficiently study the electrochemistry of the two forms, two compounds, 4-acetylpyridinium (AcP) and N-methyl-4,4’-bipyridinium (MeV+), were used as model compounds. AcP resembles the pyrimidinone tautomer and MeV+ resembles the pyrimidinol tautomer. The cyclic voltammetry (CV) scans for the two model compounds in CH2Cl2 and CH3CN show two widely spaced, reversible redox waves. In contrast, CV’s of UPy(RP) in these solvents show two closely spaced reductions. The first occurs at a potential very similar to that seen with simple model compounds. The second is considerably positive of that observed for the model compounds, consistent with strong stabilization of the doubly reduced form by H-bonding. However, the voltammetry is complex. The first reduction is partially reversible if the scan direction is switched immediately after the peak, but irreversible if the scan direction is switched after the second reduction peak. Going through the second reduction also leads to the appearance of new oxidation waves at more positive potentials. This behavior suggests, not surprisingly, that the second reduction induces proton transfer and tautomerization. It is possible that the new oxidation peaks are due to oxidation of a more strongly H-bonded dimer. Further studies to help elucidate what is actually happening in this system will include concentration dependent CV’s and analysis of binding strength using NMR.