Herein, LiCoO2 (LCO) nanoplates were directly synthesized by a hydrothermal process and subsequent coating of aluminum oxide by precursor decomposition and thermal treatment. Figure 1(a) and (b) show TEM images of as-prepared bare LCO nanoplates and coated LCO nanoplates. The edge length and thickness of hexagonal nanoplates is about 50nm and 10~20nm. The exposed surfaces are (001) and (010). 1~2nm thick alumina were uniformly coated on LCO nanoplates. EDX mapping and line scan has confirmed the LCO core and alumina shell structure. The thermal treatments were performed at 400~600oC for 3hours. The size of LCO didn’t change after coating. The electrochemical properties have demonstrated the enhanced effect of alumina coating. The balance of capacity and cycling ability is dependent on different temperature and loading of alumina.
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