Electrodeposition of Doped ZnO Layer Using Three Different Dopant (Properties and structure)

Wednesday, 1 June 2016: 13:50
Aqua 310 B (Hilton San Diego Bayfront)
M. A. Saeed (A'Sharqiyah University)
Zinc oxide (ZnO) is a conductive oxide, which serves as the n-type semiconductor. Furthermore, ZnO has other favorable properties including high electron mobility, stability, and good transparency.

We were introduced the new electrolyte composition (previous conferences), which is far more dilute than systems that had been previously described, and which yields much improved CIGS films.

In this work we introduce ZnO layer doped with either indium or gallium or Aluminum were electrodeposited potentiostatically at 75oC from aqueous solutions containing Zn(NO3)2 and either InCl3 or GaCl3 or Al(NO3)3. Undoped ZnO was used as substrate. The films were used for the preparation of PN-junctions based on electrodeposited CuGaInSe2 thin solid films. CIGS and CIGSS functional photovoltaic devices, based entirely on electroplating.  

Complete electrodeposited devices were generated and tested exhibiting efficiencies ranging from 2 to 6% with quantum efficiency exceeding 0.6. This is the first that such a comprehensive process had been described, leading the way to a potential fabrication of an entire device using an electrochemical route, enabling effective manufacturing integration and scaling.

The effects of mass transport on the deposit composition and its adhesion to the substrate are discussed. Sample polarization curves at different electrode rotation rates are provided for the three different doped ZnO layer (figure 1).

The final composition, oxides contents, crystallography and oxides effects on the deposit quality were determined using Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy technique (EDS) and XRD (figure2). Profilometer was used to determine the deposit thickness. 


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