(Invited) Near-Field Coupling Integration Technology

Tuesday, 31 May 2016: 13:30
Aqua 307 (Hilton San Diego Bayfront)
T. Kuroda (Keio University)
Invention of IC was driven by “Tyranny of Numbers”, a challenge implied by large number of interconnects in a large-scale system. Modern ICs integrate many miles of wiring and billions of contacts. Moore's Law, however, will die, and we cannot rely just on integration on a chip. A revolutionary solution of the connection problem is now needed for further integration. My proposal, as More-Than-Moore, is to replace mechanical connection using wiring, solder, and connectors by electrical one using near-field coupling. In this presentation, ThruChip Interface by inductive coupling for chip stacking and Transmission Line Coupler by electromagnetic coupling for module connection will be presented and discussed.