In this talk, I will briefly review the methodologies we have recently developed, including a synergistic strategy towards highly accurate prediction of Pourbaix diagram of transition metal (hydroxy)oxides,[4] a simple scheme for fast screening of stable single layer transition metal (hydroxy)oxide film/metal interfaces under electrochemical conditions. Next, using hydrogen evolution reaction as an example, I will demonstrate how these techniques can be applied to understand the steady state, the active phases and the catalytic mechanism of mono- and bi-functional catalysts. Finally, I will show these understandings can be used to design new bi-functional catalysts with improved performances.
If time permit, I will introduce some of our recent developments on explicitly modeling of electrified electrode/electrode interfaces with full double layer features.
[1] J. Greeley, I. E. L. Stephens, A. S. Bondarenko, T. P. Johansson, H. A. Hansen, T. F. Jaramillo, J. Rossmeisl, I. Chorkendorff, J. K. Nørskov, Nat. Chem. 2009, 1, 552-556.
[2] Subbaraman, R.; Stamenkovic, V.; Markovic, N. et al, Science 2011, 334, 1256.
[3] Subbaraman, R.; Greeley, J.; Stamenkovic, V.; Markovic, N. et al, Nat Mater 2012, 11, 550
[4] Z. Zeng, M. K. Y. Chan, Z.-J. Zhao, J. Kubal, D. Fan, J. Greeley, J. Phys. Chem. C 2015, 119, 18177