Application of TiO2 Nanowires As Wide Gap Semiconductor Material in the Heterogeneous Catalysis of Benzophenone-4

Wednesday, 1 June 2016
Exhibit Hall H (San Diego Convention Center)


Water pollution has emerged as a primary concern in environmental issues due to the consumption of pharmaceuticals and personal care products which are chemical substances resilient to traditional remediation methods.  The heterogeneous catalysis of organic pollutants has been considered as a promising decontamination method because of its capability to mineralize recalcitrant pollutants at a lower cost than others.  TiO2 nanowires (TiO2NWs) were synthesized and characterized, and its catalytic activity was proved using benzophenone-4 (BP-4) as a target organic pollutant.  The TiO2NWs were synthesized following a hydrothermal method using TiCl4 as the precursor.  A pure rutile crystalline structure was determined by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy measurements.  Also with a high band gap energy was determined by UV-Vis spectroscopy.  Elongated and highly branched structures were obtained according to electron microscopy images.  During the photodegradation experiments a high catalytic activity was observed since 90% of photodegradation was achieved in 180 minutes of reaction.  Optimal experimental conditions were determined using a catalyst loading of 1.2 gL-1 at pH 5 when BP-4 initial concentration is 20 µM. When radiation and oxygen sources are not present, the reaction is negligible, and therefore no photodegradation occurs.  This suggests that BP-4 can not be degraded in short times by photolysis, catalysis or under anoxic conditions.  In conclusion, we successfully synthesized and characterized TiO2NWs and a high photocatalytic activity was showed with degradation rates of 90% of BP-4 in a relatively short period of time, suggesting that this process is a viable option to clean polluted water sources. The photoproducts of BP-4 should be characterized to confirm this process as an environmentally remediation solution.