Orientational Control of Electroactive Photosystem I on Chemically Modified Electrodes

Wednesday, 1 June 2016: 14:40
Sapphire 410 B (Hilton San Diego Bayfront)
D. Cliffel and E. A. Gizzie (Vanderbilt University)
The ability to control the orientation of proteins on chemically modified electrodes and within films of conducting or redox polymers would allow for the efficient electron transfer.  Unfortunately, extraction of proteins and protein complexes like photosystem I from biological membranes often scrambles the precise orientational control found in native plants.  In this talk, we will present alternative methods and chemical reactions that can help maintain the memory of the  correct protein orientation as originally in the membrane after the protein complex of photosystem I is extracted from spinach.  The resulting voltammetry and photochronoamperometry of these modified electrodes will be compared to non-modified protein extractions.