(Invited) Gallium Oxide Based Materials and Devices

Wednesday, 1 June 2016: 09:00
Aqua 310 B (Hilton San Diego Bayfront)
D. Jena (Cornell University)
The availability of high-quality bulk crystals of beta-gallium oxide (Ga2O3) has provided a shot-in-the-arm for extending electronic device technologies beyond the currently popular SiC and GaN.  Though for high-voltage electronics Ga2O3 has a much larger bandgap (~4.6 eV) than GaN, it is still smaller than AlN and diamond.  The thermal conductivity of Ga2O3 is also abysmally low compared to AlN and diamond. What then is the potential of Ga2O3 for electronic device technologies?  Though it is impossible to predict, I will present my opinions on what aspects of this new material can provide significant advantages over other material systems for electronic and photonic devices.  I will then provide expermental data and theory and modeling on the electronic, optical, and thermal properties of the Ga2O3 material system that has been investigated in my group.  I will also present a summary of our MBE-based epitaxial growth of Ga2O3 based materials, and device results.