(Invited) Topological Winding Number Change and Broken Inversion Symmetry in a Hofstadter's Butterfly

Wednesday, 1 June 2016: 10:40
Aqua 311 B (Hilton San Diego Bayfront)
M. Bockrath (University of California, Riverside)
Recently several research groups have demonstrated accurate placement of graphene on hexagonal BN (hBN) with crystallographic alignment. Due to the resulting superlattice formed in the graphene/hBN heterostructures, an energy gap, secondary Dirac Points, and Hofstadter quantization in a magnetic field have been observed. Using aligned layer transfer we are able to produce graphene/hBN heterostructures with ~1 degree alignment accuracy, and measure the transport properties of the resulting systems. We observe an additional π Berry’s phase shift in the magneto-oscillations when tuning the Fermi level past the secondary Dirac points, originating from a change in topological winding number from odd to even when the Fermi-surface electron orbit begins to enclose the secondary Dirac points. At large hole doping inversion symmetry breaking generates a distinct hexagonal pattern in the longitudinal resistivity versus magnetic field and charge density. This results from a systematic pattern of replica Dirac points and gaps, reflecting the fractal spectrum of the Hofstadter butterfly.