Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Exhibit Hall H (San Diego Convention Center)
Nanotechnology is quickly becoming part of our daily lives. Yet, while the creation and incorporation of nanotechnology is ever-increasing, there is still much to explore in the field. A notable area is in the formation and ordering of nanostructures. For many applications it is important to be able to consistently produce highly-dense nanostructures. One method we find useful for this purpose is the use of anodized aluminum oxide due to its high density and self-ordering. In this poster, we showcase a method for incorporating the properties of anodized aluminum oxide into complex, yet ordered nanostructures on multilayered substrates using a unique pattern transferring method. We present the process of this pattern transferring method to create complex nanostructures, with applications in nanowire arrays for precise sensors as well as alternative energy devices and carbon nanotube growth.