Monday, 30 May 2016: 08:00-10:00
Sapphire Ballroom E (Hilton San Diego Bayfront)
Scott A Barnett
Wilson K. S. Chiu
In Situ Characterization of Novel Gas Diffusion Layers for Advanced Water Management in Fuel Cell
A. Forner-Cuenca, V. Manzi-Orezzoli, J. Biesdorf, L. Gubler (Electrochemistry Laboratory, Paul Scherrer Institute), T. J. Schmidt (Electrochemistry Laboratory, Paul Scherrer Institute, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, ETH Zürich), and P. Boillat (Electrochemistry Laboratory, Paul Scherrer Institute, NIAG Group, Paul Scherrer Institute)
Novel Diffusion Layers with Patterned Wettability: Measurement of Capillary Pressure Characteristic with Neutron and Synchrotron Imaging
A. Forner-Cuenca, V. Manzi-Orezzoli, J. Biesdorf (Electrochemistry Laboratory, Paul Scherrer Institute), A. Lamibrac (Paul Scherrer Institut), F. N. Büchi (Electrochemistry Laboratory, Paul Scherrer Institut), L. Gubler, T. J. Schmidt, and P. Boillat (Electrochemistry Laboratory, Paul Scherrer Institute)