Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells 2

Wednesday, 1 June 2016: 10:00-12:00
Sapphire Ballroom E (Hilton San Diego Bayfront)
Wilson K. S. Chiu and Andrew M Herring
(Invited) The Use of Broadband Electric Spectroscopy to Probe the Relaxations and Polarizations in Phase Seperated Polymer Electrolytes
A. M. Herring (Colorado School of Mines), V. Di Noto (Dept. of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova), K. Vezzù (Department of Chemical Sciences - University of Padova), and H. Sarode (Colorado School of Mines)
(Invited) Development of Alkaline- and Bipolar-Membranes for Hybrid Fuel Cell Applications
K. N. Grew, J. P. McClure, and D. Chu (U.S. Army Research Laboratory)
Nickel-Rare Earth (RE = Ce, Sm, Dy) Electrodes for H2O2 Reduction in Fuel Cells
D. M. F. Santos, D. Cardoso, B. Sljukic, C. A. C. Sequeira (CeFEMA, Instituto Superior Tecnico, ULisboa), D. Macciò, and A. Saccone (Università di Genova)
Characterization of Ultra-Low Pt Loading Meas Prepared By Electrospray
B. Martinez-Vazquez (Dpt. Física Matematica y de Fluidos, UNED), D. G. Sanchez (DLR), S. Martin (Dpt. Física Matematica y de Fluidos, UNED), J. L. Castillo (Dpt. Física Matematica y de Fluidos,UNED), P. L. Garcia-Ybarra (Dpt. Física Matematica y de Fluidos, UNED), and K. A. Friedrich (German Aerospace Center (DLR))