I02 Poster Session

Wednesday, 1 June 2016: 18:00-20:00
Exhibit Hall H (San Diego Convention Center)
Effect of Co/Fe Ratio and Microstructural Design on the Structural and Electrical Properties of Mixed Conducting BaSrCo1-XFexO3-X
K. Z. Fung (Dept. of Materials Sci, National Cheng Kung U, Taiwan), S. Y. Tsai (Research Ctr for Energy Tech/Strategy, Nat Cheng Kung U), C. T. Ni (Dept. of Materials Sci , National Cheng Kung U, Taiwan), S. Y. Lo, and T. T. Chen (Dept of Materials Science, National Cheng Kung University)
Time Resolved DXAS Study on Micro and Nano NiO/Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 Cermets for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
A. Fernandez Zuvich (Centro Atomico Bariloche-CNEA, Argentina), S. Larrondo (CONICET, Laboratorio de Procesos Cataliticos, FIUBA, Argentina), M. Saleta (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS)), F. Napolitano, A. Caneiro, H. Troiani (CONICET-Centro Atomico Bariloche-CNEA, Argentina), D. G. Lamas (CONICET), M. D. Arce, A. Serquis, and A. Soldati (CONICET-Centro Atomico Bariloche-CNEA, Argentina)
Effect of Cobalt-Doped Electrolyte on the Electrochemical Performance of LSCFO/CGO Interfaces
L. C. Baqué (CONICET-Centro Atómico Bariloche-CNEA, Argentina), K. Padmasree (Cinvestav Unidad Saltillo, Mexico), M. A. Ceniceros Reyes (CIQA, Saltillo, México), H. Troiani, M. D. Arce, A. Serquis (CONICET-Centro Atomico Bariloche-CNEA, Argentina), and A. Soldati (CONICET-Centro Atómico Bariloche-CNEA, Argentina)
The Cathodic Behavior of Doped Pr2NiO4 Cathode for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell with Lsgm As Electrolyte
J. Xie (China University of Petroleum Beijing), S. Ban (China university of petroleum), H. Zhou (China University of Petroleum Beijing), and T. Ishihara (wpi-I²CNER, Kyushu University)
Effect of Thermal Treatment on Structural/Electrical Properties of Protective Oxides for SOFC Metallic Interconnects
S. Y. Tsai (Dept of Materials Sci, National Cheng Kung U, Taiwan), K. Z. Fung (Dept. of Materials Sci, National Cheng Kung U, Taiwan), and C. T. Ni (Dept. of Materials Sci , National Cheng Kung U, Taiwan)
Fabrication of Tubular Ceramics Consisting of a Solid Electrolyte and Various Thin Film Ceramic Membranes By Rotational Additive Manufacturing (RAM) (Cancelled)
Layered Perovskite Electrodes with High Performance and Durability for Solid Oxide Electrolysis (Cancelled)
First-Principles Investigation of the Surface Reactivity and Electronic Property of Dopant-Promoted SrTiO3 Catalysts for SOFC Anode Application (Cancelled)
Conductivity of La0.9M0.1NbO4(M=Sm, Gd, Yb) As High Temperature Proton Conductors (Cancelled)
Performance Evaluation of Solid Oxide Carbon Fuel Cells Operating on Steam Gasified Carbon Fuels (Cancelled)