Microbial Fundamentals 1

Tuesday, 31 May 2016: 08:00-12:00
Sapphire Ballroom H (Hilton San Diego Bayfront)
David P Hickey and Matthew D Yates
Metagenomic and Metatranscriptomic Analysis of an Electromethanogenic Microbial Community
S. Babanova (J. Craig Venter Institute), K. Carpenter (J Craig Venter Institute), S. Ishii, S. Ishii (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), M. Flynn (NASA, Mountain View, CA), J. Hogan (NASA- Ames Research Center), and O. Bretschger (J. Craig Venter Institute)
The Role of Shewanella Oneidensis MR-1 Structural Proteins in Electrochemical Performance and Biofilm Development
J. A. Cornejo (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), K. Artyushkova (Center for Micro-Engineered Materials), S. Babanova (J. Craig Venter Institute, University of New Mexico), L. K. Ista (University of New Mexico), C. M. Ajo-Franklin (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), and P. Atanassov (Center for Micro-Engineered Materials)
Elucidating Molecular Underpinnings of Extracellular Electron Transfer in Bioelectrochemical Systems Using Evolutionary Genomics Approaches
S. Phadke, K. Carpenter (J Craig Venter Institute), and O. Bretschger (J. Craig Venter Institute)
Characterization of Electrochemical Activity in Four Alkaline Hot Springs in Heart Lake Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park
A. Mohamed, A. Medina, P. T. Ha (Washington State University), B. Peyton (Montana State University), and H. Beyenal (Washington State University)
(Invited) Customizing Proteins and Microbes for Biological Fuel Cells
C. M. Ajo-Franklin, M. Baruch, and T. Fukushima (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
(Invited) Microbial Fuel Cells for Wastewater Treatment - from Lab to Practice
O. Bretschger (J. Craig Venter Institute), S. Babanova (JCVI), J. Jones, T. Phan (J. Craig Venter Institute), K. Carpenter (J Craig Venter Institute), S. Chan (J. Craig Venter Institute), S. Phadke (J Craig Venter Institute), and S. Chen (J. Craig Venter Institute)
Understanding Electron Transport in a Durable Mixed Community Microbial Biocathode Enriched from Seawater
M. D. Yates (Naval Research Laboratory, CBMSE, National Research Council), B. J. Eddie (Naval Research Laboratory, CBMSE, American Society for Engineering Education), N. J. Kotloski (Naval Research Laboratory, CBMSE, George Mason University), N. Lebedev, A. P. Malonoski, B. Lin, S. Strycharz-Glaven, and L. M. Tender (Naval Research Laboratory, CBMSE)
Electrons from Solid Electrode Alter Phototrophic Mat Morphology and Metabolic Activity
P. T. Ha (Washington State University), R. S. Renslow (PNNL), E. Atci (Washington State University), P. N. Reardon, S. Lindemann, J. Fredrickson (PNNL), D. Call (WSU), and H. Beyenal (Washington State University)