Tuesday, 11 October 2022: 10:40
Galleria 8 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Silicon as compared to graphite is a favorable contender anode material that passionately increases the energy density of lithium-ion batteries because of its high theoretical capacity and low operation voltage. In spite of many properties, its variations in volume change and low electronic conductivity causes low reversibility and rate performance. Herein, we develop an alternate method to prepare a hierarchical porous and three-dimensional structure like electronic conductive double-shell onto the silicon (Si-ECDS) surface. The electronic conductive double-shell (ECDS) is prepared through a covalently bonded polymer brush acid into Si (SiNP-H) surface by hydrosilylation. This is followed by embedding with electronic conductive polymer through in-situ polymerization approach. The ECDS structure on Si has a hierarchical porous which can enhance the accessibility of the electrode to the electrolyte for quick Li+-ion mobility, efficiently limited the access of active Si to electrolyte reduction products. The three-dimensional matrix of the structure acted as a mechanical wall to maintain the electrode integrity and provide high electronic conductivity to the anode. As high-performance anode material for lithium-ion batteries, this SiNP- ECDS electrode reveals remarkable electrochemical performance, including high initial coulombic efficiency (86.3%), higher reversible capacity and retention (1850 mAh g-1 at 0.2C and 69.8% after 300 cycles), and extended cyclic durability (1207 mAh g-1 at 0.5C after 400 cycles) with superior rate performance (577 mAh g-1 even at 4C). Thus, the ECDS prevents the limitations of Si anode without the necessity of electrolyte additive and any carbon composites, executing that pure SiNP can achieve to a commercial product for its best applicant for enhanced, long-life, and high energy density of lithium-ion batteries.