(Invited) Wireless Healthcare Flexible Sensor System with Comfortable and Precise Monitoring

Wednesday, 12 October 2022: 08:40
Room 209 (The Hilton Atlanta)
K. Takei (Osaka Metropolitan University)
Daily continuous health condition monitoring is now of great interests using multi-functional flexible sensors. In particular, vital signals from skin are the most convenient way to measure continuously data collections during daily life. For this purpose, flexible sensor sheets allow it to detect multiple information from skin precisely due to conformable covering over skin surface. To realize this platform, multiple developments including flexible sensors, wireless system, and potential application are required. In this talk, I introduce a wireless multiple sensor sheet system with multiple printed flexible sensors such as skin perspiration, respiration, electrocardiogram etc. The system makes a feedback alarm if abnormal human condition signals are detected. Furthermore, to monitor the vital signals precisely and comfortably even under activity such as walking and running, device architecture is also discussed.

Although a lot of researches and developments are still required for practical application, these studies may help to open a door for the next step of flexible electronics.