Formaldehyde Self-Condensation Reaction for C-C Coupling on CuP2 Electro Catalyst Reducing CO2 to Multi-Carbon

Monday, 10 October 2022
M. Choi (Gwangju Institue of Science and Technology, ifRC of Chemical Energy Storage and Conversion Processes, GIST) and J. Lee (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Ertl Center for Electrochemistry & Catalysis, GIST)
Use of electrochemical method for reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) convert into valuable organic compounds, is a great solution to solve the problem of CO2 accumulation. The most advantage of electrochemical conversion is to elect reaction to produce a few organic compounds from carbon dioxide depending to types of catalyst. Among many types of catalyst, metal catalysts based on Copper element or alloy metals offers the route to synthesize multi-carbon fuels and chemicals from CO2 (e.g., ethylene, ethanol and n-propanol). [1], [2], [3]

In this study we focused on the autonomous nonfaradaic reaction of C-C coupling using CuP2 electrode. In our previous study, the generation of 1-butanol from carbon dioxide (CO2) on a phosphorus-rich copper cathode was first reported, based on a combination of faradaic and autonomous nonfaradaic reactions.[4] The faradaic efficiency of the obtained formate and acetaldehyde intermediates led us to propose a mechanism for the formation of 1-butanol that does not include a *CO dimerization step. 13C labeling experiments confirmed that the origin of each product was from dissolved CO2. This study provides a perspective on the C–C coupling reaction on Cu-based electrocatalysts for the electroreduction of CO2 into high-value multicarbon products.


[1] Park G, Hong S, Choi M, Lee S, Lee J*, Catalysis today, 355, 340-346 (2020)

[2] Lee S, Choi M, Lee J*, The Chemical Record, 20, 89-101 (2020)

[3] Choi M‡, Kim J‡, Chung S, Lee Y, Bong S, Lee J*, Chemical Engineering Journal, 430, 132563 (2022)

[4] Choi M, Bong S, Kim J, Lee J*, ACS Energy Letters, 6, 2090-2095 (2021)