Modeling Electrochemical Transport within a Three-Electrode System Towards Fast Charge Applications

Monday, 10 October 2022: 15:20
Room 315 (The Hilton Atlanta)
T. R. Garrick, J. Gao, and B. Koch (General Motors Holdings LLC)
In support of GM's traction battery efforts, we derive and implement a method to describe the electrochemical performance of a battery cell through the combination of a modified Newman Pseudo 2-Dimensional model and a three-electrode experimental apparatus. To assess the capability of the method, we compare model results with experimental data for a lithiated graphite and lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide system. The model is applied to simulate the electrochemical and transport processes within the battery cell to predict the negative electrode potential and positive electrode potential with respect to a lithium iron phosphate reference electrode, as well as the terminal voltage. We extend this discussion to cover applicability to fast charge considerations to avoid lithium plating at the anode during a fast charge event.


1. Taylor R. Garrick, Jing Gao, Xingyi Yang, and Brian J. Koch. 2021 J. Electrochem. Soc. 168 010530