High Resolution Characterization of Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis Anodes

Tuesday, 11 October 2022: 15:40
Galleria 2 (The Hilton Atlanta)
K. Ferner (Carnegie Mellon University), J. Park, Z. Kang, S. A. Mauger, M. Ulsh, G. Bender (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), and K. Ferner (Carnegie Mellon University)
The current use of expensive and geographically-limited precious metal catalysts, typically iridium, in proton exchange membrane water electrolyzer (PEMWE) anodes is necessary to accelerate the sluggish oxygen evolution reaction (OER). However, high loadings of iridium catalyst drastically increase the capital costs of PEM electrolysis, while low loadings of iridium lead to a significant decline in the efficiency of hydrogen production. Thus, PEMWE anode fabrication methods must be optimized to achieve the highest performance with lower iridium loadings. Using high resolution characterization methods, we show nanoscale differences in anode morphology between different IrO2 anode fabrication methods, such as spray coated versus blade coated anodes. We also explore the evolution of the electrode morphology throughout its fabrication and testing lifetime. The characterization methods used in this work include high resolution nanoscale X-ray computed tomography (nano-CT) as well as plasma-focused ion beam cross-sectioning and scanning electron microscopy (pFIB-SEM). Additionally, we present quantitative data such as solid particle and pore size distributions as well as pore network extractions derived from our image-based characterizations to elucidate the morphological differences between IrO2 anodes.

This conference presentation was developed based upon funding from the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, Managing and Operating Contractor for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy.