All-Inkjet-Printed Thin-Film Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

Wednesday, 12 October 2022
G. D. Han, H. S. Han, S. Chaikasetsin, Y. Jung, T. Trettel Howard, F. Prinz (Stanford University), and J. H. Shim (Korea University)
Inkjet printing is a rapid prototyping tool that allows users to easily and quickly produce thin-film devices with inks containing desired functional materials. For example, users can use Computer-Aided Design or MS Office software to draw a pattern image and then simply "print" it to create wide, complex thin film devices made of a variety of functional materials. Therefore, inkjet printing can be effectively used to design and prototype thin film-based solid state devices for evaluating the properties of ion-conducting membranes or electrocatalysts.

Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are one of the thin film based-solid state ionic devices that can produce electric energy in an eco-friendly way. SOFCs operating at high temperature have the advantages of high cogeneration efficiency and fuel flexibility, but their wide application is limited due to reduced long-term durability and high system cost. Accordingly, many studies have been conducted to develop the thin film-based SOFCs capable of high-performance driving in a low-temperature range.[1,2] Incorporation of nanoscale-thick ceramic electrolytes into SOFCs can minimize energy loss due to slow ion transport in the low-temperature region and achieve high power output.

In this study, we demonstrated the applicability of inkjet printing to the fabrication of thin-film-based SOFCs containing nanoscale-thick yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) electrolyte.[3] Our study was performed using a low-price HP inkjet printer and the structural design of thin film-based SOFC was controlled by the MS Office software. A functional ceramic ink including an electrode and an electrolyte material, respectively, was synthesized to have fluidity suitable for printing. A full inkjet-printed SOFC with nanoscale-thick YSZ electrolyte achieved a peak power density of 730 mw/cm2 at 650°C and a robust durability of 0.0002V h-1. It is significant in that economic feasibility and long-term stability are increasingly emerging as important attributes in terms of generalization of SOFC technology.


[1] M. Cassir, A. Ringuedé, L. Niinistö, J. Mater. Chem. 2010, 20, 8987.

[2] J. H. Shim, G. D. Han, H. J. Choi, Y. Kim, S. Xu, J. An, Y. B. Kim, T. Graf, T. D. Schladt, T. M. Gür, F. B. Prinz, Int. J. Precis. Eng. Manuf. - Green Technol. 2019, 6, 629.

[3] G. D. Han, K. Bae, E. H. Kang, H. J. Choi, J. H. Shim, ACS Energy Lett. 2020, 5, 1586.