In a first step a commercial fuel cell CCM bought at Quintech, Germany was compared to a homemade CCM with platin layers on both sides both operated as proton pump. The results show that the performance differ in detail. So, the initial voltage loss due to charge transfer resistance is smaller for the commercial CCM likely due to the use of a more performant catalyst. The homemade CCM perform better however in the ohmic region. For both type of CCM the voltage at 800 mA cm-2 did not exceed -0.12 V (cf. Fig 1).
In comparison first test with the Pentlandite based HER catalyst showed a strong over potential increase at low current densities and a hysteresis between the forward and the backward scan. The strength of the hysteresis did depend on the type of pentlandite (cf. Fig 2). After discussion with Prof Apfel’s group the effect of hot pressing was evaluated. It was found that hot pressing helped to reduce the over potential and in particular strongly reduce the hysteresis of the polarization curves (cf. Fig 3).
If the results from the proton pumping are now compared to results obtained in a PEM electrolyser cell (cf. Fig. 4) it becomes obvious that many features observed in the proton pump experiments can be found here to. This is in particular true for the strong potential increase at low current densities.
In total it can be said that proton pump experiments can be used to evaluate hydrogen evolution catalyst for PEM electrolysis at least in an initial stage. More experiments and details will be discussed in the presentation.
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