In this work, the oxidation mechanism of H3PO3 was investigated using a combination of in situ x-ray spectroscopy techniques that directly probe the H3PO3/Pt interface interaction, complemented by ex situ x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and ion-exchange chromatography (IEC). IEC gave insights into the effect of Pt on the stability of deaerated aqueous H3PO3 solutions. XPS was conducted on H3PO3/support structures (including Au and Pt supports) to determine to what extent the support affects the H3PO3 oxidation. Furthermore, in-situ dip and pull near-ambient pressure (NAP-)XPS was conducted to investigate the state of H3PO3 at the H3PO3/Pt interface and in solution bulk. It was observed that at the H3PO3/Pt interface, H3PO3 was chemically oxidized to H3PO4, while in the bulk solution it remains stable, as shown in Figure 1. Moreover, in situ x-ray absorption spectroscopy at the P K-edge was conducted at different concentrations of H3PO3 in aqueous solutions (i.e., different amounts of H2O) in contact with Pt, to determine the role of H2O in the oxidation of H3PO3. A higher degree of oxidation was observed for the less concentrated H3PO3, implying that H2O participates in the oxidation mechanism of H3PO3 to H3PO4.
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