As a way to probe the electrode-electrolyte behavior of CoHBEs as a function of composition, we have performed electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). The potential dependent differential capacitance of choline chloride and ethylene glycol (1:2, 1:4, 1:6 molar ratio) mixtures do not present camel shaped curves as in the case of more extreme examples of concentrated electrolytes such as ionic liquids. The interfacial behavior is more similar to dilute systems, however, the H-bonding network presents a less mobile diffuse layer. While on glassy carbon, there is no specific ion adsorption, on metal electrodes chloride adsorption is observed. In chloride-free systems that are based choline oxalate mixed with ethylene glycol, capacitance is measured to be almost independent of the applied voltage on glassy carbon and gold. This is attributed to the strong binding energy of the solvation structure, as determined from theory, that hinders voltage-induced reorientations. Consistent to this behavior, the oxalate system also presents a very high viscosity. In addition, the voltage sweep range is limited in the case of oxalate system as it has narrower electrochemical window. On the other hand, choline acetate, which has a very similar chemical structure to the oxalate, undergoes specific ion adsorption particularly on gold electrode at a positive applied potential as confirmed by SERS. This is believed to be due to the reduced binding energy as calculated by density functional theory with -1 charge of the acetate in comparison to -2 charge in oxalate that leads to the desolvation and then the surface adsorption of the acetate. In the case of the choline bis(trifluorosulfonyl)imide and ethylene glycol mixture, a wider electrochemical window accompanied by a dampened u-shaped capacitance was observed with no specific ion adsorption.
This study presents tuning of DESs and more broadly CoHBEs in terms of the bulk physical properties, the interfacial behavior near an electrode, and the coupled structuring effects through the variation in anion charge density and the extent of H-bonding.