Wednesday, 12 October 2022: 12:00
I will describe our group’s efforts to quantify ligand association and exchange reactions on semiconductor nanocrystal (NC) surfaces via isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). ITC provides a direct thermal measurement of reaction progress. As shown in earlier work by our group and others examining ligand exchange on chalcogenide and pnictide quantum dots, ITC is able to access the enthalpy change of reaction, equivalency, and effective equilibrium constants, including in cases that are challenging to resolve by NMR alone. Here, we will describe the extension of this approach to ligand exchange reactions on halide perovskite NCs, and to ligand exchange on chalcogenide NCs in aqueous solution. Such advances are needed to contribute a quantitative description of NC surface chemistry toward applications such as advanced optoelectronic devices, bioimaging probes, and photocatalysis.