In further, scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) technique along with feedback current mode was adopted for the electrochemical mapping of the hot spot of the active site. In the typical experimental procedure, the CB@FA-Redox modified electrode was chosen as a substrate, and an ultramicro-platinum electrode (25µm) was used as a probe for the surface imaging using potassium hexacyanoferrate as the redox couple (in 0.1 M KCl) (Figure 1D). Figure 1E showed a typical SECM study of the present system showing a cloud-like surface morphology of the active site.
The GCE/CB@FA-Redox modified electrode was subjected to various pH solutions by performing CV studies at a fixed scan rate, 50 mV s-1. (Figure 1B). The voltammetric peak potential, Epa and Epc values were found to shift systematically against an increase in pH from 3 to 11, with a slope value of (∂Ep/∂pH) -58 ± 3 mV pH-1 (Figure 1C), matching with the ideal Nernstian value obeying the Nernstian equation, (E = Eo - ((0.0591/n)ln(RT/F)).
Selective and low volume pH sensing of specific clinical samples like saliva, urine and and tears will provide vital information about the health disorder [8-9]. For instance, alteration in urine and saliva samples' urinary pH values and its associated clinical diseases like kidney stones and oral health disruption. Similarly, variation in the pH value is observed during the E.coli growth, wherein, acidic by-products such as acetic acid is released into the medium, which can cause specific decrement in the solution pH. As an independent study, a three-in-one screen-printed electrode modified with CB@FA-Redox has been developed for the pH sensor applications. As a practical application, selective voltammetric pH monitoring of real biological samples like urine, saliva and E.coli culture grown has been demonstrated.
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