In a typical battery, the rate capability of an electrode is determined by the kinetic factors for the following three steps during the charge/discharge processes: i) redox reaction of active materials, ii) electron conduction through the active materials and the conductive carbon additives to the current collector, iii) and ion diffusion inside the active materials.[2] Previously, most studies have focused on improving the electrical conductivity of OEMs to achieve high-rate capability; however, such attempts typically sacrificed their specific capacity and/or cycle stability.
Here, we present novel molecular design strategies to achieve high-rate capability of OEMs without deterioration of their specific capacity and cycle stability. First, we recently proposed that a small structural reorganization of the redox center during the redox reaction would be a key to achieving fast rate capability in OEMs for the first time.[3] We revealed that a novel p-type redox center phenoxazine (PXZ) had faster redox kinetics than its widely used analogue phenothiazine (PTZ) due to negligibly smaller structural changes, which was evidenced by theoretical calculations using the density functional theory (DFT) method and experimental measurements. In practical coin-cells, such low reorganization of the PXZ center led to high-rate performance (73% capacity retention at 20C) of a PXZ trimer electrode material (3PXZ) with a narrow voltage plateau at 3.7 V vs. Li/Li+.
Then, in this presentation, we introduce our new OEMs bearing n-type redox centers with low reorganization energy, including tetrazine (Tz)[4-6] and thieno-isoindigo (TIIG).[7] The new OEMs showed superior rate capability (> 50% capacity retention at 50C) and high cycle stability (> 80% capacity retention after 500 cycles).
Finally, we present novel OEMs spontaneously forming various nanostructures via self-assembly after fabricating electrodes.[8] The high surface area of the nanostructured OEMs provided fast electron transfer from the insulating active materials to the conductive carbons and easy access of the charge-carrying ions to the active materials, leading to ultrafast rate performance (> 50% capacity retention at 100C) even with high active content more than 70 wt% in the electrode.
[1] P. Poizot et al., Chem. Rev. 2020, 120, 6490.
[2] Y. Tang et al., Chem. Soc. Rev. 2015, 44, 5926.
[3] K. Lee et al., Energy Environ. Sci. 2020, 13, 4142.
[4] D. J. Min et al. ChemSusChem 2019, 12, 503.
[5] D. J. Min et al. Molecules 2021, 26, 894.
[6] D. J. Min et al. manuscript in preparation.
[7] J.-J. Park et al. manuscript in preparation.
[8] K. Lee et al. manuscript in preparation.