(Invited) Perspectives on the Impact of Interfacial Interactions and Ion/Electron Transport for Robust Energy Storage Solutions

Wednesday, 12 October 2022: 16:40
Room 223 (The Hilton Atlanta)
M. Gonzalez (Georgia Institute of Technology), D. Gueon (Lehigh University), G. Renderos, A. C. Marschilok, K. J. Takeuchi, E. S. Takeuchi (Stony Brook University), and E. Reichmanis (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Over the past decade, conversion-type anodes have been viewed as an attractive alternative for use in the next-generation of high capacity battery materials. However, many technological limitations exist in the stability and long-term reliability of these anodes for the commercialization of these electrodes. Here, we explore the complex interfacial interactions between the components of composite electrodes along with the impact of the chemical/electrochemical environment on performance. Fundamental insight into the factors that influence ion and electron transport within the composite systems are expected to help elucidate the key physical and chemical properties needed for the development of high-capacity materials for battery applications.