(Invited) Textile Composite Electrodes for Wearable Batteries and Beyond

Tuesday, 11 October 2022: 10:40
Room 216 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Z. Zheng (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Wearable energy storage devices are indispensable corner stones for future wearable electronics. Current energy storage technologies are based on materials and devices that are rigid, bulky, and heavy, making them difficult to wear. On the other hand, fibers are flexible and lightweight materials that can be assembled into different textiles and have been worn by human beings thousands of years. Different from conventional two-dimensional thin films and foils, the three-dimensional fibre and textile structures not only provide superior wearing ability, but also much larger surface areas. This talk will introduce how our research group makes use of the attributes of fibres for high-performance wearable energy storage devices. We will demonstrate the strategies and discuss the perspectives to modify fibers and textiles for making wearable capacitators and batteries with excellent mechanical durability, electrochemical stability, and high energy/power density. We will also show that the fibrous materials can significantly enhance the stability and energy density of battery for wearable applications and others such as Na battery.


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