Determining Optimal Fast-Charge Protocols That Consider Li-Plating and Electrode-Stress Limits

Wednesday, 12 October 2022: 15:20
Room 223 (The Hilton Atlanta)
P. J. Weddle, A. M. Colclasure (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), T. R. Tanim, K. L. Gering, E. J. Dufek (Idaho National Laboratory), and K. Smith (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
The present research focuses on developing optimal charging protocols that achieve 80% recharge in 10 min, while respecting Li-plating and chemo-mechanical stress limitations. This research directly corresponds to 1) increased battery life, 2) increased safety, and 3) fast recharge concerns.

During fast-charge, a well-studied failure mode is Li-plating at the anode. Li-plating is assumed to be thermodynamically favorable near 0 V with respect to Li metal [1]. Recently, several novel charging protocols have been proposed to reduce Li-plating intensity while still achieving fast-charge metrics [2, 1]. However, by only focusing on the anode, the cathode loss-of-active material (LAM) failure mode is typically neglected. The loss-of-active material in high-Ni LixNiyMnzCo1−y−zO2 cathodes can act as a “hidden” failure mode that results in rapid capacity fade late in life [3, 4].

The loss-of-active material is directly related to the chemo-mechanically induced stresses in the cathode secondary particles [3, 4]. Thus, novel fast-charge protocols must account for both Liplating constraints (early-life failure) and cathode-stress constraints (late-life failure). The present research uses a physically based pseudo-2D battery model to design optimal fastcharge protocols, while considering Li-plating and cathode-stress limits. The study includes analysis of trade-offs between realized fast-charge capacity gains and life-promoting constraints.

[1] W. Mai, A.M. Colclasure, and K. Smith. Model-instructed design of novel charging protocols for the extreme fast charging of lithium-ion batteries without lithium plating. J. Electrochem. Soc., 167:080517, 2020.
[2] E.J. Dufek, D.P. Abraham, I. Bloom, B.-R. Chen, P.R. Chinnam, A.M. Colclasure, K.L. Gering, M. Keyser, S. Kim, W. Mai, D.C. Robertson, M.-T.F. Rodrigues, K. Smith, T.R. Tanim, F.L.E. Usseglio-Viretta, and P.J. Weddle. Developing extreme fast charge battery protocols – A review spanning materials to systems. J. Power Sources, 526:231129, 2022.
[3] P.M. Attia, A. Bills, F.B. Planella, P. Dechent, G. dos Reis, M. Dubarry, P. Gasper, R. Gilchrist, S. Greenbank, D. Howey, O. Liu, E. Khoo, Y. Preger, A. Soni, S. Sripad, A.G. Stefanopoulou, and V. Sulzer. “Knees” in lithium-ion battery aging trajectories. arXiv, page preprint, 2022.
[4] V. Sulzer, P. Mohtat, S. Pannala, J.B. Siegel, and A.G. Stefanopoulou. Acceleratedbattery lifetime simulations using adaptive inter-cycle extrapolation algorithm. J.Electrochem. Soc., 168:120531, 2021.