(Invited) Active Visible Metamaterial Fabrication By Coupled Nanocrystals

Thursday, 13 October 2022: 08:40
S. H. Hong (ETRI)
Recently, active visible metamaterials have been greatly interested in various industrial area such as holography, AR, VR, display and so on. In this study, we present active vivid color pixel generation by coupled nanocrystals based metamaterials. The high efficiency vivid color pixel was fabricated by nanocrystals based broadband absorbers. The high lossy nanocrystal based metal-insulator-metal (M-I-M) absorber structures was proposed for vivid broadband absorber and it was integrated by nanoimprinting process. The highly reflective vivid color pixel was fabricated with high color purity in even micrometer scale. With combination of active materials (phase change), the active color change pixel successfully demonstrated.