Investigating Quaternary Alloys for Catalytic Reactivity with Scanning Electrochemical Techniques

Monday, 10 October 2022: 09:00
Room 302 (The Hilton Atlanta)
N. Page, N. Fujinuma, J. Hettinger, and S. Lofland (Rowan University)
Binary noble metal alloy catalysts have been shown to have high selectivity and activity for various catalytic reactions. However, there are few studies on ternary and less on quaternary alloy catalysts due to the challenges presented with synthesizing the diversity of nanoparticles in a large parameter space. To that end, we have produced and characterized combinatorially co-sputtered thin films of quaternary alloys of Pt/Pd/Au/Ir. Using scanning electrochemical techniques, we have completed several catalytic studies on these alloys, including oxygen evolution reaction and CO stripping. To analyze trends in this high dimensional data, we have used machine learning techniques to identify trends among the composition, physical characteristics and the catalytic properties. Regions of the quaternary phase space that show enhanced behavior were investigated in further detail and will be discussed along with plans for more in depth scanning measurements for catalysis studies.