Thursday, 13 October 2022: 15:20
Quantum dots (QDs) that absorb in the mid- (3-5 µm) or long-wave (8-12 µm) infrared are garnering interest as sensing materials for infrared cameras that can potentially be produced for lower cost than current single crystalline detectors and can potentially operate at higher temperatures. However, the performance of quantum dot-based mid-wave and long-wave infrared photodetectors still lags behind commercially available single crystalline photodetectors. To identify underlying property-structure-function relationships dictating quantum dot photodetector device performance and expedite their optimization, we have adopted a literature-based data mining approach. Specifically, we have systematically collected information on quantum dot materials, ligands, ligand exchange methods, film formation methods, device architectures, and device performance from published quantum dot photodetector articles dating back to 2003. We will share insights from this analysis, particularly highlighting opportunities for potential device improvements, and we will share how these insights have driven our own work in silver selenide QD-based infrared photodetectors.
This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. LLNL-ABS-833718