This work aims to perform a detailed model-based study on the combined effects of battery degradation and temperature inhomogeneities within large-format Li-ion cells and battery packs. This simultaneous analysis for temperature-dependent degradation will be performed with a state-of-the-art electrochemical model like the classic pseudo-two-dimensional (p2D) model to be able to present a comprehensive analysis of the battery performance parameters. These models will be augmented to include thermal effects and various degradation mechanisms for Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) formation and Lithium plating. The proposed numerical framework will be validated with experimental data for the loss in battery capacity over cycles. In addition, the model development, especially the weak form for model equations and their implementation in a finite-element solver, COMSOL Multiphysics, will be discussed in detail.
This study primarily focusses on certain important aspects of temperature-dependent degradation, viz., (a) cell-to-cell temperature variation, (b) operating conditions for current, (c) topology for the cell arrangement within the battery module, and (d) choice of the degradation mechanism. The delineation of the effects of these complex factors on the cell-level signatures will be of significant utility in monitoring and identifying the performance limitations of individual cells, and thereby help maximize the performance of large format cells and battery packs.
The ultimate goal is the design of a simple yet efficient numerical model with fast and robust simulations for the analysis of the temperature-dependent degradation of the Li-ion battery packs over a wide range of operating and design conditions. The proposed model will be developed to be computationally feasible for an adoption and implementation in a battery thermal management system.