Anode Catalyst Durability and Accelerated Stress Tests in Proton Exchange Membrane-Based Low Temperature Electrolysis

Tuesday, 11 October 2022: 15:00
Galleria 2 (The Hilton Atlanta)
S. M. Alia (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), K. S. Reeves, H. Yu (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), A. J. Kropf, N. N. Kariuki, J. Park, D. J. Myers (Argonne National Laboratory, Chemical Sciences and Engineering Div.), and D. A. Cullen (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Hydrogen has unique advantages as an energy carrier, with a high energy density and abilities for long term storage and conversion between electricity and chemical bonds. Although hydrogen currently has a significant role in transportation and agriculture, its use in energy consumption overall has been limited, particularly in the case of electrochemical water splitting. With decreasing electricity prices, electrolysis cost reductions can be achieved and allow for an opportunity for greater use.(1) While load-following renewable power sources can reduce feedstock cost, further cost reductions can be achieved by reducing the platinum group metal (PGM) content.(2) Efforts are needed to understand and mitigate electrolyzer degradation, particularly when accounting for lower PGM loadings and intermittent operation.

In this presentation, studies related to anode catalyst durability will be discussed and include the impact of individual stressors, observed degradation mechanisms, and the development of catalyst-specific accelerated stress tests. Membrane thickness and ohmic losses were deconvoluted from catalyst layer durability experiments, allowing for a transition from potential-driven parametric observations to current-driven stress tests for advanced materials and coating processes. Expanded studies have incorporated advanced materials, including higher surface areas, different oxide compositions, supports, and multicomponents. Kinetic improvements were found to lessen load requirements and can mitigate catalyst loss. Cell performance loss during extended operation, however, tended to qualitatively correspond to ex-situ dissolution rates and less stable materials accelerated catalyst layer thinning, migration into the membrane, and interfacial tearing. Perspectives on anode catalyst development will be discussed and increasing site-access and utilization further into the catalyst layer is needed to better understand the role of advancements in mitigating electrolyzer durability losses.

[1] B. Pivovar, N. Rustagi and S. Satyapal, The Electrochemical Society Interface, 27, 47 (2018).

[2] K. Ayers, N. Danilovic, R. Ouimet, M. Carmo, B. Pivovar and M. Bornstein, Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, 10, 219 (2019).

[3] Electron microscopy was performed at the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, which is a DOE Office of Science User Facility.