Tuesday, 11 October 2022: 15:20
Room 308 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Reduction of N2O to N2 gas is currently of interest due to the deleterious effect of N2O both as a greenhouse gas and as the greatest contributor to the stratospheric ozone depletion. N2O being an inert molecule, its electrochemical reduction (deoxygenation) requires the implementation of catalytic processes. We will show that reduced forms of rhenium bipyridyl carbonyl complexes are selective catalysts for deoxygenation of nitrous oxide in organic medium in the presence of water (proton source). Cyclic voltammetry analysis indicates that Re complexes are first reduced to produce the catalytic active species, then N2O binds to the reduced metal center and the resulting adduct is further reduced to trigger N-O bond breaking leading to N2. This proposed mechanism is further assessed by forming the catalytically active state of rhenium complexes by two sequential one electron reductions followed by addition of N2O(g), and monitoring the reaction kinetics by IR and UV-VIS spectroelectrochemical measurements. Then comparing this mechanism with the one taking place with aromatic organic catalysts, having reversible redox systems, we will emphasize differences between chemical (innersphere) vs. redox (outersphere) catalysis.