Wednesday, 12 October 2022: 11:20
Room 308 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Bimetallic structure consisting of a corrosion resistant surface layer joined on top of ASME code approved nuclear reactor structural materials has become a promising solution to address the corrosion issue in molten salt reactors. This DOE-funded program aims to develop cold spray enabled bimetallic structures with a refractory-based coating on ASME code-certified substrate. Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) technologies were employed to design novel alloy compositions that combine improved cold spray processability with high molten salt corrosion resistance and strong interfacial bonding. Initial cold spray trials depositing these compositions on 316 stainless steel substrate were successfully performed. Coatings were proved to be of high quality by metallographic inspection and have strong adhesion by button pull adhesion testing. Molten salt test protocols have been developed. Cold spray materials have been tested and characterized post corrosion test. Observations indicated are that all the alloy compositions were promising in terms of corrosion resisting performance in molten chloride salt.