Wednesday, 12 October 2022: 11:00
Room 224 (The Hilton Atlanta)
The desire for higher-performance storage devices is driven by energy demand, security, and sustainability. The final characterization of such devices mostly predominantly depends on the electrode materials. Large surface area, excellent electrical conductivity, homogenous structure, and extended cycle stability are the desirable characteristics of such active materials. Amongst the various transition metal-based oxides, which are being investigated, their poor conductivity becomes the limiting factor. To mitigate this issue, we propose a novel synthesis protocol to tailor a yolk-shell metal oxide structure with a non-metal conductor core. The strategy proposes a tuned emulsification technique, using a water-in-oil immiscible duo. The material Co (shell) - C (core), exhibits excellent electrochemical performance in 2M KOH. Three electrode tests establish the usability of this material as a cathode. The material works well within a potential window of 0.65 V. Material can deliver a high specific capacitance of 221 F g-1 at a current density of 1 A g-1. An asymmetric device with activated carbon also leads to a higher energy density. The synergistic impact of metal and non-metal conductive boosts, and stabilizes the device's high rate performance and cycle life, ensuring its future use in the field of energy storage.