We studied the electronic states around the bandgap in anatase-type TiO2 nanoparticles of different shapes with (101) and (001) facets using Density Functional based Tight Binding (DFTB) and DFT methods. The previous calculation has already shown that most orbitals of the valence and conduction bands form delocalized band-like orbitals; however, there are a significant number of localized states at the lower edge of the conduction band, too. The calculations clearly show the position of these trapping sites when we compare the electron density of neutral and charged nanoparticles.
[1] Selectivity enhancement in the electrochemical reduction of oxalic acid over titanium dioxide nanoparticles achieved by shape and energy-state control. H Eguchi, K Kato, G Juhasz, M Yamauchi - Catalysis Science & Technology, 2021
Figure 1. The electron density difference between negatively charged and neutral nanoparticle (left); electron density difference reflected in Mulliken charges of the atoms (right).