D01 - New Devices and Applications

Tuesday, 11 October 2022: 10:10-12:30
Room 310 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Durga Misra and Reinhold H Dauskardt
(Invited) InGaN/AlGaN Red-Emitting Nanowire LEDs for Monolithic Micro-LED Displays
H. P. T. Nguyen, R. T. Velpula, and B. Jain (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
(Invited) Amoeba-Inspired Electronic Computing System for Combinatorial Optimization
S. Kasai (Hokkaido University) and M. Aono (Keio University and Amoeba Energy Co., Ltd)
Multimodal Encapsulation of p-SnOx to Engineer the Carrier Density for Thin Film Transistor Applications
D. H. Lee, Y. Zhang (Purdue University), K. No (KAIST), H. W. Song (Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science (KRISS)), and D. Lee (Purdue University)